Gogoa is certified under ISO 13485: 2016, a standard specialized in quality management systems in the medical devices sector.
In addition, it has a manufacturer's license for medical devices, which authorizes the production of medical exoskeletons.
Product certificates, guaranteeing compliance with Directive 93/42 / EEC are available in exoskeletons tab.

Gogoa Prize Winner in the Health Sector category for HANK Exoskeleton, a medical device intended for the recovery of motor function in patients with neurological problems due to spinal cord injuries, neurodegenerative diseases and stroke.

Winner as a technology company in the special category of social impact of the III edition of Lánzate, promoted by Orange.

Selected as a deep-tech EU company in the medical field in softlanding activities in Asia.

Selected in the US business acceleration program for technologies with high medical potential.

Selected as a deep-tech EU company in the medical field in softlanding activities in Asia.

Selected in the US business acceleration program for technologies with high medical potential.

Selected to represent EU medical technologies in strategic investment areas in China.

Gogoa selected among companies from the EU, Israel and Australia for softlanding activities in Shanghai.

Gogoa among the 7 successful European exoskeleton companies.

European semifinalist in the Best-of-the-Best Business Concept from Medetech, Biotech and Digital Health competition.

Gogoa receives the stamp of Innovative Pyme, which recognizes its innovative character and participation in
R+D+i projects.

Gogoa among the 10 European companies that stand out in the field of medical robotics

Selected for a European fast tracking program for a technology-based start-up in the investment phase of Series A.

Project approved to integrate FES technology into the BELK exoskeleton with the aim toindustrialize it and conduct clinical trials.

Selected for a Basque robotic technology showroom at the San Telmo Museum.

Project approved for the development of an exoskeleton for upper limbs integrated with FES technology.

Gogoa is one of the 20 companies that marks the technological evolution in the last 40 years in Spain.

Finalist of the Toribio Echevarria prize, awarded by the Basque Government to the most innovative start-up.

Recognized by the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness with number 1 in the 2016 call of the Neotec Program, aimed at new technology-based companies.

GOGOA has been distinguished with the Prize for the most disruptive idea, awarded by the Spanish Federation of Healthcare Technology Companies (FENIN), in 2016,

Project approved for the development of the HANK lower limb exoskeleton for gait rehabilitation.
